Monday, March 17, 2008


Obama Gains Iowa Delegates
During a week without a national primary or caucus, Barack Obama managed to add to his delegate lead in the race for the Democratic nomination. Over the past weekend, nine of the fourteen Iowa delegates pledged to John Edwards threw their support to Barack Obama, pushing his total advantage in the race for delegates to 135, according to the latest data from Real Clear Politics.

The Forbes Delegate Counter has updated figures that take into account the delegate shift in Iowa as well as final numbers from California’s February 5 primary. The final tally from the Golden State reflects a Clinton victory, with the New York senator taking 204 delegates to Obama’s 166. Expect the Clinton camp to continue to point to her victories in California and New York as a key reason for superdelegates to support its candidate.

It will be harder, however, for Hillary Clinton to brag about Texas, as updated caucus results show a four delegate Obama victory in the state. Obama took 98 delegates to Clinton’s 94, with a single delegate not yet allotted. This means that Clinton won Texas’s primary by 101,029 votes, but after including updated caucus results, she came out behind in the race for delegates, as we predicted two weeks ago.

--Paul M. Murdock


Anonymous said...

Good work bruh! Good to see hip hop and politics mixed together.

Anonymous said...

Keep it coming!