Tuesday, March 18, 2008

By Tai Saint Louis

A Lil Wayne concert in London, England was cut short last night (March 16) following a series of scuffles, AllHipHop.com has learned.

According to witnesses who attended the show at the Stratford Rex, Lil Wayne performed a shorter set than expected, after at least six fights erupted near the stage.

Despite the efforts of event security and Lil Wayne's own bodyguards, the side stage area originally reserved for VIPs became overcrowded, witnesses say.

The resulting tension created by the overcrowding led to the first fight, which broke out between two male patrons on the side of the stage, shortly after Lil Wayne started his performance.

It was hard to tell what exactly happened, but I could have sworn I saw one of Weezy’s sidekicks stomping someone like crazy on stage, but behind the DJ,” an eyewitness told AllHipHop.com. “Then he came back and addressed the crowd."

The witness at the event was impressed by the crowd’s enthusiastic reply to Lil Wayne, noting that most patrons knew the rapper’s lyrics word for word.

Minutes later, an audience member launched a bottle onto the stage and was escorted out of the venue, as Lil Wayne stopped the performance.

“As he was walking off someone threw a glass at him from the balcony. Then he turned as if to address the crowd, and then about five or six other objects and glasses rained down on the stage…it was a mess!”

No word as to whether the violence resulted in any arrests or injuries.

Lil Wayne's management was not immediately available for comment.

“When he did perform, it was unbelievable. This guy is easily the best live performer in rap, maybe even music as a whole,” the witness said. “Amazing performance while it lasted, but Weezy met London's Yob culture and opted out!”

Seems like ole, Weezy "F" repped for his daddy!

And yes, we found it! Here's the video!!!

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