Friday, April 4, 2008

THE SYSTEM GOT "BEEF" - Sex abuse, violence alleged at teen jails across U.S.

By Ashley Fantz CNN

JACKSON, Mississippi (CNN) -- Girls as young as 13 say they were shackled for weeks at a time in Mississippi.

Erica was 16 when she was forced to wear leg shackles at a Mississippi detention center, she said.

A Texas teen was allegedly offered birthday cake in exchange for sex.

A guard drove his knee into the neck of a frail suicidal Ohio boy after the youth was wrestled to the ground and held down by other guards who stripped him and covered his face with a smock, a state report said.

More than two dozen girls at an Indiana lock-up describe "networking" -- their term for sneaking into each other's cells to have sex, with no interference from guards.

This is a glimpse into what America's juvenile jails look like, according to lawsuits, criminal cases and experts who have spent years delving into what they call a broken system.

"It's a nationwide crisis that has been going on for years, one the public has never been told the extent of," said psychiatric social worker Jerome Miller, the co-founder of the National Center on Institutions and Alternatives, who has evaluated and helped reform juvenile jails for more than three decades.

This summer, Mississippi plans to close Columbia Training School, a juvenile facility that houses mostly minor offenders. They are often runaways from abusive homes.

Erica was 16 when she was sentenced to Columbia after running away, a probation violation of an earlier marijuana conviction.

She admits she was a girl quick to sass her parents, full of anger about the death of a relative that happened around the same time Katrina wrecked her family's Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, home.

Nervously touching a sparkly barrette in her red hair, she cries as she describes how guards forced her legs into tight metal shackles. She said she was cuffed and chained when she ate and used the bathroom -- and was even forced to play soccer that way against other girls.
Guards called her "Chain Gang," she said.

"I will always remember them things around my ankles, the way they cut into me," she said, pulling up her pant leg to show slash-mark scars on her ankles and heels. "They made you feel like you were nothing."

Represented by attorneys with the Southern Poverty Law Center, Erica and nine other girls housed at Columbia are suing the state, claiming they endured a range of sexual and physical abuse, including shackling. Don Desper, a licensed therapist and former employee at Columbia who opposed the practice, told CNN it was used to prevent the teens from escaping.

In a handwritten affidavit, a 15-year-old girl described a male guard molesting her. She wrote: "He came inside my cell half way half of his body and he started touching me and he tryed (sic) to kiss me and then he left he came back with my snack in his hand and he opened my cell again and he started grabbing me around my waist and he tryed (sic) to stick his hands in my pants and I started crying."

When the lawsuit was filed in 2007, a U.S. Justice Department monitor was making periodic inspections at Columbia as part of a 2005 settlement with Mississippi in a previous case. The Justice investigation that led to that settlement found Columbia youths were hog-tied, forced to strip and eat their own vomit and were held in isolation in what was called the "Dark Room," a windowless room with a hole in the floor used as a toilet.

Hundreds of youths have allegedly suffered similar abuse at juvenile detention centers across the United States, according to experts interviewed by CNN and court records checked for this story.

Feds sue 11 jurisdictionsArkansasGeorgia Hawaii IndianaMaryland Mississippi New Jersey Oklahoma Texas Puerto Rico Northern Mariana Islands

The U.S. Justice Department has sued nine states and two territories alleging abuse, inadequate mental and medical care and potentially dangerous methods like the use of restraints. The department doesn't have the power to shut down facilities -- states do -- but through litigation it can force a state to improve its detention centers and protect the civil rights of jailed youths.

Another facility under Justice scrutiny is Oakley Training School near Jackson, Mississippi, which was sued by the department at the same time as Columbia. Gov. Haley Barbour recently announced Columbia's inmates would be transferred this summer to Oakley when Columbia is closed.

But the Justice Department said Oakley has satisfied barely a fraction of requirements the department set for it years ago. According to a March 2008 Justice report, there is an "enormous amount of work" needed to make Oakley a safe and productive place to rehabilitate troubled teens.

Barbour would not respond to questions for this report. The Mississippi Department of Human Services, which runs Columbia and Oakley, refused to answer most of a CNN public records request citing pending litigation and also declined to be interviewed.

The U.S. Justice Department could not talk specifically about ongoing cases, but civil rights division assistant attorney general Lisa Krigsten noted the department is going after double the number of juvenile jails for civil rights violations during the Bush administration than in any previous administration.

"We take this seriously and are committed to protecting the vulnerable children who are in these places," she said.

A CNN check of other juvenile facilities shows that, despite years of court wrangling, serious problems persist.

In Ohio, a dozen employees at the Scioto Juvenile Correctional Facility have been indicted since 2003 on charges relating to physical and sexual abuse of youth, according to a May 2007 Justice report. Five were convicted of various charges, including sexual battery and assault; six cases were dismissed and a jury found one employee not guilty.

In January, a state-hired consultant blamed a "culture of violence" in Ohio's juvenile jails for numerous abuses. The expert's report details examples of "egregious use of force" by guards and included a video he viewed of a 2007 incident in which a "frail" boy who was threatening to harm himself was restrained by guards.

The boy was wrestled to the ground, cuffed and stripped, with one guard seen putting his full body weight on the boy's back while driving his knee into the boy's neck.

A so-called "Suicide Smock" was placed "over his airways," the report said. "The youth actually screams that he can't breathe."

In response to the report, the Ohio Department of Youth Services, which oversees detention facilities, has installed more surveillance cameras and beefed up its mental health care staff, spokeswoman Andrea Kruse said.

"We're doing everything we can to improve," she said.

On Thursday, Ohio announced settlement of a suit brought by Children's Law Center of Kentucky. It will add up to $30 million annually to its juvenile justice budget and hire more guards, psychologists and teachers for its system.

Accusations similar to those made in Ohio were made at a Florida boot camp in 2006. Martin Lee Anderson, 14, was seen on surveillance tape being beaten and restrained by guards. Anderson later died. Seven guards and a nurse were acquitted of manslaughter in October.

Since then, the NAACP's Florida chapter has called for an investigation of the state's teen jails, noting at least seven youths have died at lock-ups since 2000, including 17-year-old Omar Paisley, who died at a Miami detention center of a ruptured appendix after begging for help during three days that he was in pain.

A grand jury found that two nurses repeatedly failed to help Paisley. They are charged with third degree murder and manslaughter, have pleaded not guilty and are scheduled for trial in July.

Florida issued a report in January asking for more than 50 changes to its system and a partnership with the Department of Education to attack problems before kids drop out of school. Overall, the report calls for treating troubled kids with therapy as an alternative to jail.

Texas is grappling with the fallout from reports of long-term sexual abuse at its facilities, where, since 2000, more than 90 Texas Youth Commission employees -- roughly one a month -- have been sanctioned or fired for sexual misconduct with adolescents, commission spokesman Jim Hurley told CNN.

Texas granted early release in February to a 16-year-old girl who attempted suicide after she was allegedly molested repeatedly by a male guard. The guard was indicted in December on four counts of molesting the girl. He was previously charged with raping four other female inmates, but those charges were dropped, said Hurley, after witnesses retracted their accounts.

This spring, two administrators at a west Texas youth facility are scheduled to stand trial on charges they were having sex with juvenile inmates, one allegedly enticing a teen to perform sex acts for birthday cake. The men resigned in 2005, Hurley said.

Texas recently has added hundreds more surveillance cameras and personnel to its facilities to avoid more problems, he said.

"Girls are sexually abused in these institutions more often than the public would believe," said Paul DeMuro, a delinquency expert who in 2002 inspected Columbia for the Justice Department and is now a consultant for the Southern Poverty Law Center. Nationwide, the Justice Department has said 2,821 allegations of sex abuse were made in 2004, the most recent data on the topic available.

An Indiana juvenile judge said there's another dimension of sexual misconduct happening at Indianapolis Juvenile Correctional Facility -- inmate on inmate sex.

State Judge Peter Nemeth is refusing to send female offenders to the lock-up after a team of delinquency experts interviewed a total of 31 girls at the facility. The girls described "networking," or sneaking into each other's cells for sex. Members of the team told CNN that locks on cells were not working, allowing the young women to leave and enter their cells whenever they wish.

One girl interviewed said a guard had participated in the sex.

"It's a dangerous place," said Nemeth, who is sending youths to two other facilities at more than twice the cost to taxpayers. "It seems like chaos to me, very little discipline. The girls say they are running the place."

In March, the Indiana Department of Correction said it is transferring boys at the facility to another lock-up, which Nemeth hopes will allow more staffers to oversee the girls section. "It may be a step in the right direction," he said, but won't necessarily solve the problem of girls frequently having sex with other girls.

Before March, the judge detailed his concerns in two letters to Gov. Mitch Daniels, whose office referred all questions for this story to Indiana Department of Correction spokesman Doug Garrison.

"We disagree with the judge's characterization," Garrison said, adding that no investigation at the facility has substantiated the girls' claims.

When Erica was held at Columbia, she said she didn't think anyone would believe her accounts of abuse. It's taken months of therapy, including some counseling at a YMCA, which she found in her small Mississippi hometown.

Erica talks about wanting to be an attorney. It's the first time in her life she is considering her future. She tries not to think about Columbia, but smiles when she talks about the facility closing.
"I'm happy, real happy," said Erica. "That means nobody is going to get hurt there again."

I know we have to do something with our kids, but trust me, this ain't it... Think smarter with your vote next time. Your vote may have contributed to this kind of logic. Think of this next time, choose your elected officials wisely...


POLICE "BEEF" - Officer Pushes Woman Down Stairs

An Orlando police officer was suspended for one day after he pushed a woman down a set of stairs, an incident that was caught on video.


Lawsuit, Lawsuit, Lawsuit. Thats all I have to say. You never put your hands on the police, you never retaliate...unless it's with an ambulance chaser lawyer who knows how to buckle a city's budget.

Sue, Sue, Sue. Thats it. Get yourself a camera, and just sue. This crap has to stop, let somebody push the cops down the stairs and your ass is going to jail for a long time! So either send the cops to jail or cripple the city's budget.

Thats my advice.



Anti-Tank Grenade Launcher Seized In Massive Crime Ring Bust
POSTED: 4:22 pm EDT April 3, 2008
UPDATED: 5:31 pm EDT April 3, 2008

POLK COUNTY, Fla. -- Thirty people were arrested and an anti-tank grenade launcher was seized along with numerous guns and stolen motorcycles in what may be one of the largest organized crime busts in Central Florida history, the Polk County Sheriff's Office said Thursday.

The crime ring was operating in at least three Central Florida counties. Detectives started investigating a rash of motorcycle thefts in Polk County and stumbled onto something bigger than they ever imagined that included both Osceola and Orange counties.

U.S. Marshal's arrested the ring leader at a house in Osceola County in January, but a federal grand jury just indicted Otis Carden on gun charges Wednesday and now the Polk County sheriff is talking about the investigation that turned up weapons that could've been used to make parts of Central Florida more like a war zone.

Even without a live round, deputies showed off the power of a WWII-era grenade launcher Thursday. It was one of more than 20 weapons seized in an eight-month investigation into an organized crime ring dealing in drugs, guns and stolen property in places like Polk, Osceola and Orange counties.

"By their own statement, the sheriff's office brought them to their knees," Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd said Thursday.

Sheriff Judd said it started with a rash of motorcycle thefts, but after nearly 30 arrests deputies tracked down ring leaders Otis "Cowboy" Carden and Terry "Ox" Gilmore. They are men authorities said often used violence selling methamphetamine and collecting stolen weapons across Central Florida.

"He said he carried loaded guns and he made sure the folks that dealt with him carried loaded guns all the time for their own protection," Judd said. "Whenever we seized the firearms, they were, every one, fully loaded."

Judd said catching people like Carden and Gilmore became a top priority.
"It's an organized crime ring today. Is it a terrorist cell tomorrow? That's what concerns us," he said.

The sheriff's office is not identifying another man, an illegal immigrant from Mexico who supplied the ring with drugs. Deputies said they're also still searching for three others.

The Polk County Sheriff's Office is getting a reputation for uncovering major Central Florida crime rings. They recently arrested two Seminole County ringleaders along with 16 other suspects in a $100 million shoplifting operation. Last month, Polk County detectives caught 21 men involved in a disturbing child pornography ring.

The sheriff's office told Eyewitness News they make the busts because they actually search for criminals, rather than just react to crimes.


And what is that ONE brother doing among this crowd? What the hell is he doing?

Ironic though, kind of gives you a different perspective on WHOS REALLY DANGEROUS IN THIS COUNTRY doesn't it? Stop settling on locking up all these petty-ass young brothers and sisters who are carrying 22's, when you got folks like this in the universe that could seriously use some intervention. I got a few bucks that says they get the absolute minimum sentence, and probably avoid all the mandatory penaltys as well.

Different strokes for different folks, I guess. I'll monitor this one to see how it ends up.

Naomi Campbell "BEEF???"

Naomi lost her rag over just one bag...

Published: Today

MODEL Naomi Campbell is facing a ban from flying with British Airways.

Crazed Naomi yesterday flew into a rage over ONE lost bag — after 20,000 pieces of luggage went missing at Heathrow’s trouble-hit Terminal 5.

The model, 37, allegedly SPAT at a cop who was called to calm her down — then laid into him with her FISTS.

She was arrested on the spot for assaulting an officer, then restrained after a struggle and hauled kicking and screaming off the plane in handcuffs.

The airline today said the question of whether Naomi would be allowed to fly with the airline again was “under review”.

She was released on bail this morning. At 1am her press agent, Celena Aponte gave a statement outside the police station, saying: “She arrived in plenty of time at Heathrow Terminal 5 with two bags, checked them in, and told they were take the flight.

“Once on the flight, she was told one bag could not be found and was missing.

“British Airways decided to resolve this by insisting she leave the flight, calling the police, and forcibly ejected her from the flight.

“So far as we are aware, BA has still failed to offer any explanation as to why her bag went missing at Terminal 5.”

Ms Aponte said Miss Campbell was flying to LA to attend a memorial service of the mother of fashion photographer Herb Britts.
Ms Aponte added she did not know Campbell’s plans for today and whether she still intended to fly to the US.

Asked how Naomi had behaved, she said: “I can not comment further.”

The supermodel — who paid £6,000 for the flight — had screamed insults at airline workers. She was still yelling abuse at the steward who took boarding cards as she took a seat on the plane yesterday evening.
Staff called police and three officers from the Met’s SO18 aviation security branch arrived.
A police escort van took her to Heathrow police station. Her fingerprints were taken along with a DNA swab and photograph.

Her other bag was offloaded from flight BA 269 — delaying other passengers on the plane by 90 minutes.

One police source said of the incident: “She was going nuts, spitting, punching and lashing out. BA staff were genuinely concerned about her well-being.

“They had no alternative but to call police when she refused to calm down.

“The police adopted a softly softly approach but she still went into a frenzy. They had no choice but to arrest her for the assault of a police officer.”

A witness who saw her tantrum in the first-class lounge said: “She was screaming, ‘Get off, get off, don’t touch me — leave me alone’.”

Terminal 5 has been in chaos ever since it opened on Thursday last week — with hundreds of flights cancelled and thousands of bags going missing.

But Naomi appears to be the ONLY one of 280,000 passengers so far who required cops to be summoned.

A British Airports Authority spokeswoman said yesterday: “We are unaware of any other incident, apart from this, where police have had to be called in.”

Yesterday a police spokesman said: “We can confirm that at 17.13pm police were called to a disturbance at Terminal 5, Heathrow. A 37-year-old woman was arrested on suspicion of assaulting a police officer.”

British Airways declined to comment.

Naomi could be jailed for up to six months if she is charged with assaulting a police officer under new guidelines published in February.

This morning Naomi, wearing a leather jacket, grey baseball cap and large black sunglasses, walked through a gaggle of press into a waiting Range Rover Sport after leaving the police station.

Four luxury vehicles had been on stand-by waiting for her to be released.
Ten minutes after she left, chauffeurs formed a human chain to remove Louis Vuitton bags from the station and into a waiting Mercedes.

The model — from Streatham, South London — served a five-day community sentence last year after throwing her mobile phone at a maid.
She better give REMY MA, FOXY BROWN & LIL' KIM a call! QUICK!!! Her ass is going down! Somebody better tell sis' "That shit don't work no-more!!!" Time to learn to win with some finess. That old school shit is played out these days.
Switch up the tactics my people. The "BEEF" game ain't working!
Peace..."THE BOSS"

NEWS - States may free inmates to save millions

States may free inmates to save millions
By RAY HENRY, Associated Press Writer Thu Apr 3, 7:21 PM ET

PROVIDENCE, R.I. - Lawmakers from California to Kentucky are trying to save money with a drastic and potentially dangerous budget-cutting proposal: releasing tens of thousands of convicts from prison, including drug addicts, thieves and even violent criminals.

Officials acknowledge that the idea carries risks, but they say they have no choice because of huge budget gaps brought on by the slumping economy.

"If we don't find a way to better manage the population at the state prison, we will be forced to spend money to expand the state's prison system — money we don't have," said Jeff Neal, a spokesman for Rhode Island Gov. Don Carcieri.

At least eight states are considering freeing inmates or sending some convicts to rehabilitation programs instead of prison, according to an Associated Press analysis of legislative proposals. If adopted, the early release programs could save an estimated $450 million in California and Kentucky alone.

A Rhode Island proposal would allow inmates to deduct up to 12 days from their sentence for every month they follow rules and work in prison. Even some violent offenders would be eligible but not those serving life sentences.

A plan in Mississippi would offer early parole for people convicted of selling marijuana or prescription drugs. New Jersey, South Carolina and Vermont are considering funneling drug-addicted offenders into treatment, which is cheaper than prison.

The prospect of financial savings offers little comfort to Tori-Lynn Heaton, a police officer in a suburb of Providence whose ex-husband went to prison for beating her. He has already finished his prison term, but would have been eligible for early release under the current proposal.
"You're talking about victim safety. You're talking about community member safety," she said. "You can't balance the budget on the backs of victims of crimes."

But prisons "are one of the most expensive parts of the criminal-justice system," said Alison Lawrence, who studies corrections policy for the National Conference of State Legislatures. "That's where they look to first to cut down some of those costs."

Rhode Island Corrections Director A.T. Wall was not sure how many prisoners could be freed early. The payoff for doing so may be relatively small: less than $1 million for the first fiscal year, although that figure would increase over time.

In California, where lawmakers have taken steps to cut a $16 billion budget deficit in half by summer, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger proposed saving $400 million by releasing more than 22,000 inmates who had less than 20 months remaining on their sentences. Violent and sex offenders would not be eligible.

Laying off prison guards and making it more difficult to send parole violators back to state prison would account for part of the savings.

Law enforcement officials and Republican lawmakers immediately criticized Schwarzenegger's proposal, which would apply to car thieves, forgers, drunken drivers and some drug dealers. Some would never serve prison time because the standard sentence for those crimes is 20 months or less.

"To open the prison door and release prisoners back into communities is merely placing a state burden onto local governments and will ultimately jeopardize safety in communities," said Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer, who could see 1,800 inmates released in his area.
In Kentucky, which faces a $1.3 billion deficit, lawmakers approved legislation Wednesday to grant early release to some prisoners. Initial estimates were that the plan could affect as many as 2,000 inmates and save nearly $50 million.

If the governor signs the bill, the exact number of prisoners would be determined by prison officials. Violent convicts and sexual offenders would be exempt.

Gov. Steve Beshear has said Kentucky must review its policies after the state's inmate population jumped 12 percent last year — the largest increase in the nation.

Kentucky spends more than $18,600 to house one inmate for a year, or roughly $51 a day. In California, each inmate costs an average of $46,104 to incarcerate.

The prison budget in Mississippi has nearly tripled since stricter sentencing laws took effect in 1994.

To curb spending, lawmakers have offered a bill to make about 7,000 drug offenders in prison eligible for parole. A second proposal would allow the parole board to release inmates convicted of selling marijuana and prescription drugs after serving just a quarter of their sentences. Currently, they must serve 85 percent of their terms before release.

Michigan is trying to speed up the parole process for about 3,500 inmates who were convicted of nonviolent, nonsexual offenses, or who are seriously ill.

Barbara Sampson, chairwoman of the Michigan Parole Board, said early release often makes sense, especially for low-risk offenders who get help rebuilding their lives.

"Getting that prisoner back to the community so that he can stay connected to his family, getting him back into the work force ... that's a positive thing," she said.

But not everyone is sold on the idea.

"Economics cannot be the engine that drives the train of public safety," said Terrence Jungel, executive director of the Michigan Sheriffs' Association. "Government has no greater responsibility than the protection of its citizens."

In my opinion, every convict serving a mandatory drug sentence is a "political prisoner." Case closed. There has never been any justification for these sentences. The only justification is self serving to aspiring elected officials or incumbant elected officials to prove they are "tough on crime, & sweet on prison industry as a booming business venture" This was never a movement based on "belief or cure."

Let these folks go home...if they have one left. (THE BOSS)

Thursday, April 3, 2008

GOOD "BEEF" - JAY-Z ANOTHER $150 million

In Rapper’s Deal, a New Model for Music Business

Published: April 3, 2008

LOS ANGELES — In a move that reflects the anarchy sweeping the music business, the superstar rapper Jay-Z, who released his latest album to lukewarm sales five months ago, is on the verge of closing a deal with a concert promoter that rivals the biggest music contracts ever awarded.

Jay-Z plans to depart his longtime record label, Def Jam, for a roughly $150 million package with the concert giant Live Nation that includes financing for his own entertainment venture, in addition to recordings and tours for the next decade. The pact, expected to be finalized this week, is the most expansive deal yet from Live Nation, which has angled to compete directly with the industry’s established music labels in a scrum over the rights to distribute recordings, sell concert tickets, market merchandise and control other aspects of artists’ careers.

As CD sales plunge, an array of players — including record labels, promoters and advertisers — are racing to secure deals that cut them in on a larger share of an artist’s overall revenue. Live Nation has already struck less comprehensive pacts with Madonna and U2.

In Jay-Z, Live Nation has lined up with a longtime star who, after toiling as a self-described hustler on the streets of Brooklyn, earned acclaim as a rapper and cachet as a mogul.

Live Nation’s core business has revolved around major rock and country tours, and with Jay-Z it is making an unexpected foray into hip-hop. The company is also placing an enormous wager on a performer who, like many others, has experienced declining record sales. (Last year’s “American Gangster” sold one million copies in the United States; “The Black Album,” from 2003, sold well over three million.)

But the arrangement would also position Live Nation to participate in a range of new deals with Jay-Z, one of music’s most entrepreneurial stars, whose past ventures have included the Rocawear clothing line, which he sold last year for $204 million, and the chain of 40/40 nightclubs.

Jay-Z, 38, whose real name is Shawn Carter, owes one more studio album to Def Jam, where he was president for three years before stepping down in December after he and the label’s corporate parent, Universal Music Group, could not agree on a more lucrative contract.

His first undertaking with Live Nation is his current 28-date tour with Mary J. Blige, his biggest live outing in more than three years. After that, Live Nation envisions integrating the marketing of all Jay-Z’s entertainment endeavors, including recordings, tours and endorsements.

“I’ve turned into the Rolling Stones of hip-hop,” Jay-Z said in a recent telephone interview.
The deal answers a question that had been circling through the rap world for months: Where would Jay-Z take his next corporate role? As part of the arrangement, Live Nation would finance the start-up of a venture that would be an umbrella for his outside projects, which are expected to include his own label, music publishing, and talent consulting and managing. Live Nation is expected to contribute $5 million a year in overhead for five years, with another $25 million available to finance Jay-Z’s acquisitions or investments, according to people in the music industry briefed on the agreement. The venture, to be called Roc Nation, will split profits with Live Nation.

The overall package for Jay-Z also includes an upfront payment of $25 million, a general advance of $25 million that includes fees for his current tour, and advance payment of $10 million an album for a minimum of three albums during the deal’s 10-year term, these people said. A series of other payments adding up to about $20 million is included in exchange for certain publishing, licensing and other rights. Jay-Z said Live Nation’s consolidated approach was in sync with the emerging potential “to reach the consumer in so many different ways right now.” He added: “Everyone’s trying to figure it out. I want to be on the front lines in that fight.”

The popularity of music downloads has revolutionized how music is consumed, and widespread piracy has contributed to an industry meltdown in which traditional album sales — composed mostly of the two-decades-old CD format — have slumped by more than a third since 2000. (The best seller in 2007, Josh Groban’s “Noël,” sold 3.7 million copies, compared with 9.9 million for the top album in 2000, according to Nielsen SoundScan.)

That has further pressured record-label executives to rewrite the economics of their business and step beyond the sale of albums in an attempt to wring revenue out of everything from ring tones to artist fan clubs.

Jay-Z said that his future as an artist could involve elevating the role of live performances, long a mixed bag even for popular rap acts.

“In a way I want to operate like an indie band,” he said. “Play the music on tour instead of relying on radio. Hopefully we’ll get some hits out of there and radio will pick it up, but we won’t make it with that in mind.”

Though sales for Jay-Z’s tour with Ms. Blige have been strong since it began on March 22, with almost all the early dates resulting in sold-out arenas, it is unclear when Live Nation could carry out other aspects of the deal. (Jay-Z said that he hoped to deliver his final album for Def Jam later this year.)

Critics of Live Nation, which lost nearly $12 million last year, predict that it would be difficult to turn a profit on the arrangement, given the continuing decline in record sales and the mixed track record of artist-run ventures. Shares in the company have suffered since October when Live Nation negotiated a reported $120 million deal with Madonna.

Michael Cohl, Live Nation’s chairman, said he was not worried. Though he declined to discuss terms of the Jay-Z arrangement, he said it did not require an increase in record sales to be profitable. “He could be doing more tours and doing great,” Mr. Cohl said. “There could be endorsements and sponsorships.” He added, “The whole is what’s important.”

He cited Jay-Z’s forays into a host of other businesses as a model for Live Nation. “What he’s done has kind of mirrored what we want to do and where we think we’re going.”

Some executives at major record labels have privately portrayed Live Nation’s artist deals as overly expensive retirement packages for stars past their prime.

Others disagree. “I’d much rather be in the business of marketing a superstar who cost me a lot of money than taking the 1-in-10, demonstrably failing crapshoot” of signing unknown talents, said Jeffrey Light, a Los Angeles entertainment attorney, referring to the traditional record company model.

But the dimensions of the competition could change if Live Nation begins vying for the same emerging artists that the labels hope to sign. Live Nation is negotiating with a Georgia rock act, the Zac Brown Band, after apparently wooing it away from an offer by Atlantic Records, according to music executives briefed on the talks.

Jay-Z, for his part, suggested that the string of stars to exit the major-label system would also signal to younger acts how to plot their careers. He said that rising artists will be thinking: “ ‘Something must be happening. Madonna did it, she’s not slow. Jay-Z, he’s not slow either.’ ”



April 2, 2008 -- Jose Canseco fired another shot at Alex Rodriguez yesterday, saying he believes the New York Yankees star did more than just lust after his ex-wife, Jessica.

"I believe they had an affair," Canseco said during a book-signing at Bookends in Ridgewood, N.J. "I'm pretty sure of it. I spoke with Alex and he denied it, but the way he denied it, it wasn't reassuring. I spoke to my ex-wife last year about it and I'm not going to say she acknowledged that they did, but she did not say that they did not."

Canseco wrote in his new book "Vindicated" that Rodriguez was smitten with his then-wife and constantly called her. Canseco has said this is the reason he hates Rodriguez and decided to include him in his new book, including allegations that he introduced the Yankees third baseman to a steroid dealer in the late 1990s.

Before last night's season opener, Rodriguez was approached by The Post about Canseco's latest charge.

"I don't care," Rodriguez said.

Rodriguez has not fired back at Canseco, choosing "no comment" at every turn. Canseco believes this shows he is telling the truth.

"He's basically trying to sweep it under the rug," Canseco said. "Basically he has 'no comment' to say. He should say it was the truth and move on. Obviously, I don't know if he used steroids but I did put him in contact with an individual who was a known steroid dealer, but we don't know what happened after that. But if you look at his physicals and his charts in spring training, it looked like after that he gained about 20 to 30 pounds."

About 100 people turned up at the bookstore yesterday to get Canseco's signature. Some lined up hours before the signing. In an interesting bit of scheduling, Julie Andrews was scheduled to appear at the bookstore last night.

Robert Bannon, a 24-year-old Yankees fan from Ridgefield Park, waited to get Canseco's signature. He said he believes most of the book but not the part about Rodriguez.

"I think the A-Rod story is a little fabricated, personally," Bannon said. "You need something to sell books, and he's probably the biggest player in baseball right now and his name gets stories in the paper."

Several people in the crowd said Canseco has credibility because many of the allegations in his first book proved to be true.

"At first everyone treated Jose Canseco as if he was a joke," said Matt Whitfield, a 24-year-old from Chatham. "Everything he said in his first book came to be proven to be true. Now he has new allegations out and everyone is acting like he is a joke again. But he told the truth in his first book. A-ROD is a known womanizer. He was on the cover of your paper. I believe what he was saying and I want to meet him."

OPPOSING "BEEF" VIEWPOINT? A daily cup of coffee may halt Alzheimer's

A daily cup of coffee may halt Alzheimer's By Rebecca Smith

Drinking one cup of coffee a day could protect against Alzheimer's disease, according to research.
American scientists found caffeine blocks the ability of cholesterol to move from the blood into the brain.

Cholesterol increases proteins in the brain which break off, forming "plaques" that cause Alzheimer's.

Jonathan Geiger, of the University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences, said: "Caffeine appears to block several of the disruptive effects of cholesterol that make the blood-brain barrier leaky."

The findings, in the Journal of Neuroinflammation, were based on a study of rabbits.Some of the animals were given 3mg of caffeine a day, the equivalent of a daily cup of coffee for a person.

After 12 weeks, the blood-brain barrier, which protects the central nervous system, was "significantly" more intact in the rabbits that received caffeine.

Yeah, I'm addressing my Alzheimer's in the form of a Med-Reg-Milk-3-Sugars of the Dunkin Donuts variety as I'm blogging. Just feel like it's good to let ya'll know, I'm gonna be here mentally intact for a while.

The Universe is still in good hands...

SCIENCE "BEEF" No benefit in drinking eight glasses of water a day

By Rebecca Smith, Medical Editor

The idea that drinking eight glasses of water a day is good for your health has been dismissed as a myth.

Scientists say there is no evidence drinking large amounts of water is beneficial for the average healthy person, and do not even know how this widely held belief came about.

Specialists in kidney conditions in America reviewed research on claims eight 8oz glasses of water help flush toxins from the body, preventing weight gain and improving skin tone. Dr Dan Negoianu and Dr Stanley Goldfarb, of the Renal, Electrolyte and Hypertension Division at the University of Pennsylvania, said no single study indicated average healthy people needed to drink this amount of water - a total of 3.3 pints - each day. "Indeed, it is unclear where this recommendation came from," they say in a review in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.

The researchers did find some evidence that individuals in hot, dry climates, as well as athletes, need to increase the amount of water they drink. Studies have also shown that drinking lots of water helps the body to clear salt and urea.

But no studies have found any benefit to the organs of increased water intake.

Drs Negoianu and Goldfarb also investigated the theory that drinking more water makes you feel full and curbs appetite.

Proponents say this may help maintain a healthy weight and fight obesity, but the evidence for this claim remains inconclusive, states the review.

No carefully designed clinical trials have measured the effects of water intake on weight maintenance.

Headaches also are often attributed to water deprivation, but there is little data to back this up, claim the scientists.

Only one small trial has addressed this question, and while trial participants who increased their water intake experienced fewer headaches than those who did not, the results were not statistically significant.

In addition, water has been touted as an elixir for improved skin tone.

The authors said that while dehydration can decrease skin stiffness, no studies have shown any clinical benefit to skin tone as a result of increased water intake.

The literature review by Drs Negoianu and Goldfarb reveals there is no clear evidence of benefit from increasing water intake. On the other hand, no clear evidence exists of a lack of benefit.
"There is simply a lack of evidence in general," they explain.

On average, the body uses between 1.7 and 2.6 pints (one-1.5 litres) of water daily and more in high temperatures or when exercising.

This is replaced through drinks but a large amount is also contained in food, so it is not necessary to drink an equivalent amount to replace water levels.

Too much water can affect the balance of salts in the body causing "water intoxication", which can be fatal.

"BEEF" of the worst sort...(RIP young brother...)

In order to truly take on journalistic responsibility, I have to post this story. I don't know about anybody else, but this story almost had me crying. Certainly I feel sorry for the lost life of this young brother, but as a parent, I feel so bad for this sister.

Wrong is wrong and right is right. As simple as it sounds, there has to be something that we can learn from this that is more complex and more important than just "locking her up..."

Damn. And for some reason I feel like saying "sorry" myself. I don't know why, but "sorry..."

Screaming mom ‘sorry’ at arraignment in son’s death
By Laurel J. SweetWednesday, April 2, 2008

Dorchester mom Lakeisha Gadson sobbed and shrieked, “I’m sorry” this morning after she was arraigned on a manslaughter charge for her alleged role in allowing into her home the loaded gun used to kill her son.

Gadson’s 8-year-old son, Liquarry Jefferson, was accidentally shot to death with that gun June 24 by his 7-year-old cousin, who was playing with the loaded 9mm.

This morning, a Suffolk Superior Court judge ordered Gadson to be held on $10,000 cash bail. As court officers led her away in handcuffs she started crying and screaming, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
Gadson, 31, and her son Jayquan McConnico, 16, were indicted this week on a slew of charges including involuntary manslaughter and misleading a police officer. The mom and son team allegedly lied to police to cover their tracks after Liquarry was shot with the illegal gun. The lies sent cops on a manhunt for phantom gunmen.

Prosecutors allege that Gadson knowingly allowed McConnico to keep the loaded 9mm semi-automatic pistol that killed little Liquarry as he played with his cousin in their Seaver Street apartment.

Police believe Gadson may have even obtained the weapon herself. The gun, which didn’t have a trigger lock, was kept in an unlocked drawer, 2 1/2 feet off the ground.

Gadson faces charges of wantonly or recklessly permitting substantial bodily injury to a child, child endangerment, improper storage of a firearm and unlawful possession.

Gadson and McConnico face more than 30 years in prison if convicted on all counts.

The charges followed a nine-month grand jury investigation, and investigators say they are still probing how the illegal gun used in the tragedy was supplied.

McConnico, who has been charged as a juvenile, will be arraigned Monday.

Gadson’s distraught family said they will be able to post bail.

Liquarry’s godmother and Gadson’s “best friend,” who didn’t want her name used, protested that Gadson’s arrest was “politically motivated.”

"BEEF" CONTINUES TO GO WRONG...Henry charged with assault

Henry charged with assault

Bengals wide receiver Chris Henry, suspended by the NFL for eight games last year for personal misconduct, is scheduled to be in court today on assault and criminal damaging charges.

Warrants were issued for Henry's arrest Wednesday. Cincinnati Assistant Police Chief James Whalen said late Wednesday authorities were negotiating with Henry's lawyers to arrange his surrender to authorities.

Henry, 24, arrived at the Hamilton County Justice Center about midnight and was booked. He will be in Hamilton County Municipal Court at 12:30 p.m. today for an initial appeareance on the charges.

Henry, of Florence, is accused of punching a man in the head and throwing a beer bottle at the man's car Monday in Clifton Heights.

Henry is accused of leaving a visible gash in the head of Gregory Meyer. Court records say Meyer and other eyewitnesses identified Henry as the attacker. They say the beer bottle they accuse Henry of throwing at Meyer's 2002 Honda broke the passenger-side window.

A message seeking comment was left late Wednesday for Henry's attorney, Robert Lotz.
Bengals spokesman Jack Brennan said the team is aware of the charges but declined comment.
The player's agent, Marvin Frazier, said Henry gave him a different version of events but declined to elaborate.

"I was told it didn't happen that way," Frazier said.

Meyer filed a motion for a temporary protection order in Hamilton County Municipal Court Wednesday, but that has not been ruled on.

The assault and criminal damaging charges are both misdemeanors.NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell suspended Henry in April 2007 without pay for the first half of the season. Goodell suspended Henry for two games the year before for repeated off-field problems.

Henry was arrested four times between December 2005 and June 2006.
Jennifer Baker and The Associated Press contributed

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

CELTICS BEEF??? Benny the Bull launches beef...

Animated discussion Benny the Bull launches beef
By Mark Murphy / Celtics Notebook Wednesday, April 2, 2008

CHICAGO - Even the mascots are getting tough.
Last night, in the process of the Celtics completing a series sweep of the Chicago Bulls for the first time since 1986-87, Kevin Garnett and James Posey engaged in some late-game trash talking with Benny the Bull.

“Bulls can talk,” said Garnett, who initially was upset after he and Posey were hit in the back by clothing fired from a T-shirt launcher during a timeout in the closing minutes of the C’s 106-92 victory. “Walking off the floor we got hit by some shirts.”

Garnett initially had to be restrained by a member of the officiating crew as Benny stood a safe distance away.

“I turned around, saw the guy in the bull hat, and we had some words,” Garnett said.
Posey, not a favorite in Chicago dating back to when he was a member of the Miami Heat, cringed in mock fear.

“I don’t know - I feel threatened,” Posey said. “I don’t feel safe. They really have tough love here, but it was definitely an inside job. They made the mascot do it. I got hit in the back walking away. That spot on my back is sore. I might have to get treatment on it.”

The Benny encounter brings to mind an incident four years ago when Ricky Davis returned to Cleveland for the first time in a Celtics uniform and witnessed the sight of Moondog, the Cavaliers mascot, mopping the floor with a replica of his old Cleveland jersey. Moondog later was suspended for the act.

NOTE FROM "THE BOSS": See this is where "snitching" goes all wrong. You can't start beef, knowing you can't handle beef, but then you get beef, and get the beef kicked smooth out of you... knowing after Garnett beats the snot out of you, you're calling the cops, snitching (if you will...) and then certainly, here comes the lawsuit.

Benny the Bull?!? C'mon man! If they don't fire this dude, seriously, don't complain when the team or the arena gets sued or worse. I'd sue if I was Garnett. Or else MAKE him fight me man to man. If not, pay me.

Don't take the bait, Kevin! F, the Championship Banner, we can't keep losing good brothers! Just sue!

BEEF - BUT UNDERSTANDABLE...Judge admits mistake in kicking whites out of court

(CNN) -- An Atlanta, Georgia, judge who ordered white lawyers out of his courtroom so he could lecture African-American defendants called that decision a "mistake" Tuesday night.

"In retrospect, it was a mistake," Judge Marvin Arrington told CNN. "
Because my sheriff said to me, 'Judge, that message should be given to everybody' -- 'Don't violate the law, make something out of yourself, go to school, find a role model, somebody that will help you advance your life.'"

Arrington, who is African-American, is a judge in Fulton County, Georgia, which includes the city of Atlanta.

He said he got fed up seeing a parade of young black defendants shuffle into his courtroom and decided to address them one day last week -- out of the earshot of white lawyers.

"I came out and saw the defendants, and it was about 99.9 percent Afro-Americans," Arrington told CNN affiliate WSB-TV of Atlanta, "and at some point in time, I excused some lawyers -- most of them white -- and said to the young people in here, 'What in the world are you doing with your lives?'"

The judge thought his message would make a greater impact if he delivered it to a black-only audience, he said.

"I ask them all the the time, 'What progress are we making with you?' And sometime they cannot answer," he said.

He said he would open his court doors to everyone on Thursday and "I am going to give the same identical speech: 'You've got to do better.'"

Rapper Exonerated When Co-defendant Took Rap For Laurens Co. Charges
04/01/08by Terry Wolf

It was no laffy matter for Southern rapper Fabo (Lafabian Williams) when his car was stopped along I-16 in Laurens County.

The solo artist and front man of rap group D4L, known for their 2005 hit ‘Laffy Taffy’ was charged on February 2, 2006 for possession of marijuana, possession of methylenedioxymetham, possession of a firearm during the commission of a crime, carrying a concealed weapon and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.

But the charges against Williams were nolle prossed, meaning the district attorney’s office decided not to pursue any further prosecution against the rapper.

That decision was made when a co-defendant, Curtis Alfonso Watkins, Jr., pled guilty to charges, taking the rap for his rapper friend.

Watkins pled guilty to the both drug possession charges and possession of a firearm during the commission of a crime. He was sentenced to a total of 15 years on probation, $3,700 in fines and court and state surcharges.

Chicago, 22 Students Slain So Far This Year (ALL THE BEEFING HAS TO END...)

In Chicago, Youth Violence Prompts Clampdown
22 Students Slain So Far This Year; City's Public Schools Get Security Cameras and Extra Police
By Kari LydersenWashington Post Staff WriterWednesday, April 2, 2008; A02

CHICAGO – Chavez Clarke, 18, had spent this past Saturday taking catch-up classes so he could graduate on time. As he left a South Side high school that afternoon, he was fatally shot, in broad daylight and in plain view of other students. His death marked a grim end to a week when police and school officials had stepped up their efforts to combat a spike in killings of public school students.

The day before, an eighth-grader at a North Side school was shot and killed.

In all, 20 Chicago public school students have been fatally shot so far this school year -- seven in March alone -- compared with 24 the year before, said spokesman Mike Vaughn. Including those who died in non-gun violence, 22 students have been killed this year, and 30 last school year. School officials could not provide precise figures, but said that killings had increased markedly over past years.

On Tuesday, hundreds of Chicago public school students from four high schools gathered downtown to protest the violence and to call for more gun-control measures, with the school district sanctioning their absences and supplying buses, the Associated Press reported. Twenty empty school desks, each representing a fallen student, were set up in front of the James R. Thompson Center, which houses state offices.

A well-known anti-violence crusader on the South Side, the Rev. Michael Pfleger, had also planned a community rally Tuesday, and said St. Sabina Catholic Church will offer rewards for information about the killings.

In response to the increased violence, Chicago police have been increasing their presence at schools and have begun monitoring live pictures from 4,500 school security cameras.

When students returned from spring break on the day after Easter to Richard T. Crane Technical Preparatory Common School on the West Side, they were met by a heavy police presence and parent escorts. Since the March 7 gang-related killing of Ruben Ivy, 18, a block from the school, many students had stayed home, fearing retaliatory violence. Ivy was allegedly shot by a 15-year-old resident of a nearby public housing development, where about 120 Crane students live.

"It seems a lot safer now," Devinity Reynolds, 16, said Friday morning, as at least eight patrol cars and a paddy wagon lingered around the school. "I hope they do this for the rest of the school year." Officers stood on the sidewalk as parents in fluorescent yellow city-issued vests, emblazoned with the words "walking school bus," met students at bus stops near the school and escorted them inside.

In February, Mayor Richard M. Daley proposed stepped-up state and federal anti-gun legislation and promoted the city's program to pay people to turn in illegal firearms, which collected more than 6,000 weapons last year. The mayor also moved up the city's curfew for those younger than 18 by half an hour (to 11 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 10 p.m. on other days), and city officials held a summit on teen violence March 22.

But police spokeswoman Monique Bond and school officials say recent media attention and public outrage over the killings are calling attention to a chronic problem that is not necessarily worse than usual.

"While one shooting is always too many, the aggravated batteries and gang shootings involving juveniles are actually down this year, compared to years past," Bond said. "There are just too many guns out there."

Despite the killings of Ivy and Clarke, school spokesman Vaughn said few shootings have taken place near school grounds during school hours.

"It's very rare weapons are found in schools, and we've had declining numbers of fights," he said. "Students will say the one place they feel safe is school."

But Gary Slutkin, executive director of the anti-violence group CeaseFire, challenged that assertion.

"Violence in the schools is ongoing," Slutkin said. "It's not just the deaths. It's the kids beaten until they have seizures. It's the fights on buses with bats and knives. These kids have grown up around violence. By age 20, 40 to 70 percent of kids have personally witnessed a shooting."

CeaseFire places mediators known as "interrupters" directly in schools and violence-plagued neighborhoods to try to defuse gang and personal conflicts before they become violent. The program lost $6.25 million in state funding last year and cut its staff as a result.

"We're fire-fighting, pulling our staff from place to place, instead of pushing things down in schools and keeping them down," Slutkin said. "Instead of having a handle on Crane, we had to come to Crane after the fact."

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

"RIP" Sean Levert: 1968-2008

Sean Levert: 1968-2008
R&B singer dies at age 39
Thomas J. Sheeran / Associated Press

Singer Sean Levert, who was one-third of the 1980s R&B trio LeVert and son of lead O'Jays singer Eddie Levert, has died after falling ill while serving a jail term. He was 39.

Levert was sent to Cuyahoga County jail last week for failing to pay child support. He died at Lutheran Hospital in Cleveland late Sunday, less than an hour after he was taken there from the jail, said coroner Frank Miller. An autopsy was planned, he said.
His brother Gerald Levert, who had solo success after leaving the trio, died in 2006 of an accidental overdose.

The brothers had formed LeVert in the 1980s with childhood friend Marc Gordon. Their hits included "(Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop) Goes My Mind" and "Casanova," which was nominated for a Grammy in 1988 for best R&B performance by a duo or group with vocal.
Sean Levert had pleaded guilty last week to six counts of nonsupport involving children ages 11, 15 and 17.


11 Students Plotted To Kill Third-Grade Teacher

Student Had Job To Clean Blood, Says Teacher's Relative

POSTED: 10:40 pm EDT March 31, 2008
UPDATED: 7:53 am EDT April 1, 2008

WAYCROSS, Ga. -- Eleven students got together and plotted to kill their teacher, even going so far as to bring handcuffs and a knife to school, Waycross police said.

One of the teacher's relatives said each child at Center Elementary School in Waycross had a job to do, including one assigned to wipe up the blood.

The plot unraveled over the weekend when a student tipped off police, Local 6 reported.
School officials said they never imagined that some of the 8- and 9-year-olds boys and girls at the school would think of bringing physical harm to a teacher, WJXT reported.

"A plan had been developed amongst several of our third-grade students to allegedly do harm to their teacher," said Theresa Martin, of Ware County Schools. "It's shocking that they would think of this at their young age. I think that is probably the most shocking part for all of us," Martin said.

In addition to the knife being found, the school officials said other students had duct tape, handcuffs, ribbon and a heavy crystal paperweight.

The police chief in Waycross said that he believes the plan may have been developed because one of the students was punished with some sort of time out. However, that theory remains under investigation.

"I can't believe that -- because he's a third-grader. You know, I cannot believe that. Especially, for here," said parent Doris Rowland.

The children could face expulsion and criminal charges pending the investigation.
Watch Local 6 News for more on this story.


Senate Probe of ‘Prosperity Preachers’ Reports Progress
April 1st, 2008 ·

UNDATED (AP) — Another deadline has passed in a Senate committee’s investigation into a half-dozen Christian ministries that preach a gospel of prosperity, with one group signaling a new willingness to cooperate, another promising information and two more remaining defiant.

Jill Gerber, an aide to Senator Charles Grassley of Iowa, says the lawmaker will continue communicating with the two holdouts — Texas televangelist Kenneth Copeland and Creflo Dollar, a Copeland protege from suburban Atlanta — and considers subpoenas a last resort..

Dollar, however, responded by comparing Grassley’s inquiries into church governance with questioning churchgoers about their prayers and confessions. Dollar’s lawyer, Marcus Owens, asked the Senate Finance Committee –quote– “to evaluate, on the record, whether to issue a subpoena to the church.”

Grassley, the ranking Republican on the Senate Finance Committee, sent letters to six Christian ministries in November giving them a month to provide answers about spending on private planes, oceanside mansions, board oversight and involvement in for-profit businesses. The ministries have denied wrongdoing.

One group, headed by Joyce Meyer of suburban St. Louis, almost immediately agreed to cooperate. Another, headed by faith healer Benny Hinn, said it will answer all of Grassley’s questions and delivered 618 pages of documentation last week.

The remaining four received another round of letters in mid-March giving Monday as a new deadline to turn over information. The letters were signed not just by Grassley, but also by Senator Max Baucus of Montana, the Democratic chairman of the Finance Committee, sending the message that this was not a one-man or one-party operation.

Grassley’s office reported progress today on two fronts: Representatives of Bishop Eddie Long of suburban Atlanta pledged to provide information on April 15, and a lawyer for Paula and Randy White of Tampa said a first batch of answers was to arrive at Grassley’s office today.

It wasn’t clear, however, whether Long or the Whites would fully answer the questions. Dan Rene, a Long spokesman, says that talks were ongoing, but he would not characterize them. A spokeswoman for the Whites did not respond to requests for comment.


Damn! Just when you thought beef month was over!!!

Sunday, March 30, 2008


2 NOW THAT'S WHAT I CALL MUSIC VOL. 27-NOW THAT'S WHAT I CALL 170210 1 168809 339255
3 ROSS*RICK TRILLA 90344 -54 198375 289300
4 FLO RIDA MAIL ON SUNDAY 85891 999 289 86182
6 HANNAH MONTANA 2: MEET MILEY C SOUNDTRACK 61485 137 25910 2917973
7 SNOOP DOGG EGO TRIPPIN' 57251 -58 136575 194194
8 SWIFT*TAYLOR TAYLOR SWIFT 56957 75 32600 2706257
9 BAREILLES*SARA LITTLE VOICE 55237 38 40088 575378
11 ALVIN & THE CHIPMUNKS SOUNDTRACK 48043 83 26188 476723
12 JONAS BROTHERS JONAS BROTHERS 47069 107 22689 1132125
13 KEYS*ALICIA AS I AM 40621 28 31839 3317788
14 JACKSON*ALAN GOOD TIME 40078 -25 53121 212476
15 UNDERWOOD*CARRIE CARNIVAL RIDE 37267 116 17228 1962654
16 KIDZ BOP KIDS KIDZ BOP 13 36392 104 17828 144065
17 JACKSON*JANET DISCIPLINE 33546 -11 37560 309956
19 CAILLAT*COLBIE COCO 29747 37 21729 1414899
20 RADIO DISNEY VOL. 10-KIDS JAMS 29633 113 13880 160543
21 ROCKO SELF-MADE 27711 999 75 27786
22 RASCAL FLATTS STILL FEELS GOOD 27223 99 13656 1846636
23 VARIOUS ARTISTS 80'S: NOW THAT'S WHAT I CALL M 26992 -20 33904 60934
24 WINEHOUSE*AMY BACK TO BLACK 26424 -7 28360 1824442
25 JUNO SOUNDTRACK 26276 31 20001 570873
26 BROWN*CHRIS EXCLUSIVE 25367 21 20953 1414143
27 DAUGHTRY DAUGHTRY 24837 18 21092 3907841
28 ONEREPUBLIC DREAMING OUT LOUD 24536 15 21314 528682
29 SPARKS*JORDIN JORDIN SPARKS 23779 35 17584 595402
30 VARIOUS NOW 26 22302 41 15849 1591462
32 BLIGE*MARY J. GROWING PAINS 19987 -3 20685 1361976
33 AUGUST RUSH SOUNDTRACK 19767 64 12068 144170
34 ACROSS THE UNIVERSE (DLX) SOUNDTRACK 19372 7 18067 420780
35 LINKIN PARK MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT 19059 17 16248 2310852
36 COLE*KEYSHIA JUST LIKE YOU 18947 0 18862 1286885
37 BADU*ERYKAH NEW AMERYKAH PART ONE (4TH WOR 18852 -46 34808 219251
38 ONCE SOUNDTRACK 18842 -2 19186 492442
39 ENCHANTED SOUNDTRACK 18265 281 4799 237802
40 VAMPIRE WEEKEND VAMPIRE WEEKEND 17831 -9 19668 143030
42 FERGIE DUTCHESS 17124 21 14126 3530996
43 BUCKCHERRY 15 16834 6 15822 1113523
44 BROOKS*GARTH ULTIMATE HITS 16679 3 16217 1651762
45 CROW*SHERYL DETOURS 16645 10 15160 255392
46*HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 2 SOUNDTRACK 16304 63 9974 3154859
47 FLOGGING MOLLY FLOAT 16246 -25 21704 85765
49 SOUNDTRACKS STEP UP 2: THE STREETS 15951 -15 18783 209114
50 PLANT/KRAUSS RAISING SAND 15880 10 14377 882704
51 UNDERWOOD*CARRIE SOME HEARTS 15777 33 11836 6342586
52 SUGARLAND ENJOY THE RIDE 15538 7 14457 2147957
53 HANNAH MONTANA SOUNDTRACK 15480 68 9230 3514760
54 EAGLES LONG ROAD OUT OF EDEN 15294 5 14558 2885404
55 NAIM*YAEL YAEL NAIM 15125 566 2271 38628
56 FAT JOE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM 15000 -67 46125 61260
57*PARAMORE RIOT! 14722 23 11957 809212
59 NICKELBACK ALL THE RIGHT REASONS 14582 15 12709 6695140
60 CHESNEY*KENNY JUST WHO I AM: POETS & PIRATES 14494 19 12197 1161259
61 RADIOHEAD IN RAINBOWS 14256 16 12321 435638
62 RIHANNA GOOD GIRL GONE BAD 14024 12 12522 1133667
64 WEBBIE VOL. 2-SAVAGE LIFE 13904 -25 18448 133811
65 PAISLEY*BRAD 5TH GEAR 13473 42 9491 929736
67 DION*CELINE TAKING CHANCES 13144 94 6774 945984
68 FIASCO*LUPE LUPE FIASCO'S THE COOL 12853 -16 15230 420571
69 BLACK CROWES WARPAINT 12524 -26 16888 75337
70 MAROON 5 IT WON'T BE SOON BEFORE LONG 12192 14 10716 1755751
71 THE-DREAM LOVEHATE 12131 -26 16395 304871
72 THREE DAYS GRACE ONE-X 11531 23 9388 1147655
73 BLACK TIDE LIGHT FROM ABOVE 11357 999 98 11469
74 MARIO GO! 11354 81 6284 254236
75 HUSH SOUND GOODBYE BLUES 11219 999 28 11248
76 VOEGELE*KATE DON'T LOOK AWAY 11182 -33 16756 113326
77 MCDONALD*MICHAEL SOUL SPEAK 11073 -23 14409 53450
78 JAHEIM MAKINGS OF A MAN 10998 -6 11671 435858
79 ACROSS THE UNIVERSE SOUNDTRACK 10987 24 8864 253978
80 KID ROCK ROCK N ROLL JESUS 10602 15 9250 814366
81 SHE & HIM VOLUME ONE 10153 999 108 10261
83 CASTING CROWNS ALTAR & THE DOOR 9817 30 7534 278320
86 LED ZEPPELIN MOTHERSHIP 9630 10 8758 829640
87 BUZZCUTS BUZZCUTS 9536 999 36 9572
90 SAPP*MARVIN THIRSTY 9346 -6 9985 220598
91 FLEX TE QUIERO 9257 -3 9525 64140
92 MORGAN*CRAIG LITTLE BIT OF LIFE 9074 19 7596 340997
94 VARIOUS WOW GOSPEL 2008 8922 -5 9431 77514
95 SPEARS*BRITNEY BLACKOUT 8888 10 8110 803332
96 HANCOCK*HERBIE RIVER: JONI LETTERS 8853 -16 10555 193287
97 WOW HITS WOW HITS 2008 8765 34 6519 147788
98 FLYLEAF FLYLEAF 8682 16 7470 965906
99 GRAMMY NOMINEES 2008 GRAMMY NOMINEES 8659 -8 9411 245651
101 MRAZ*JASON WE SING EP 8508 999 18 8526
102 BEATLES LOVE 8323 39 5984 1717414
103 PUDDLE OF MUDD FAMOUS 8194 16 7079 191036
104 SHAWTY LO UNITS IN THE CITY 8135 -23 10631 63708
105 KENNY G RHYTHM & ROMANCE 8082 7 7580 119188
107 GOO GOO DOLLS VOL. 1-GREATEST HITS 8012 110 3816 232708
108 URBAN*KEITH GREATEST HITS 7962 2 7774 503772
110 WEST*KANYE GRADUATION 7951 -6 8424 2056992
111 BRIGHTMAN*SARAH SYMPHONY 7907 -3 8192 118557
113 J. HOLIDAY BACK OF MY LAC' 7892 -13 9086 579826
115 FINGER ELEVEN THEM VS. YOU VS. ME 7766 18 6601 505272
116 LIFEHOUSE WHO WE ARE 7746 7 7207 364706
117 BRAVERY SUN & THE MOON 7610 360 1655 113880
119 HAIRSPRAY SOUNDTRACK 7547 55 4875 1021984
120 SIMPLE PLAN SIMPLE PLAN 7485 39 5389 83447
121 MERCYME ALL THAT IS WITHIN ME 7364 11 6613 105239
122 LOS TIGRES DEL NORTE RAICES 7362 -1 7413 24881
123 LANG*K.D. WATERSHED 7321 6 6883 129324
124 BROWNE*JACKSON VOL. 2-SOLO ACOUSTIC 7270 -23 9395 37264
126 BOYS LIKE GIRLS BOYS LIKE GIRLS 7148 37 5218 508230
127 JAY-Z AMERICAN GANGSTER 7022 -17 8499 1039506
128 ALLAN*GARY LIVING HARD 6814 11 6165 314340
129 MCENTIRE*REBA REBA DUETS 6769 11 6125 1328868
130 FRANKLIN*KIRK FIGHT OF MY LIFE 6736 -16 7981 227225
131 BON JOVI LOST HIGHWAY 6726 28 5258 1130426
132 DROPKICK MURPHYS MEANEST OF TIMES 6549 -11 7359 143205
133 KILLS MIDNIGHT BOOM 6491 999 29 6520
134 JACKSON*RANDY VOL. 1-RANDY JACKSON'S MUSIC C 6460 -50 12901 19374
135 CELTIC WOMAN NEW JOURNEY 6417 12 5708 590990
136 MAYER*JOHN CONTINUUM 6295 13 5574 2084518
139 KINGSTON*SEAN SEAN KINGSTON 6073 10 5497 453015 He is Gold
140 MESHUGGAH OBZEN 6017 -47 11384 18501
142 LAVIGNE*AVRIL BEST DAMN THING 5964 37 4354 1468943
143 MICHAELSON*INGRID GIRLS & BOYS 5939 -6 6302 181913
144 MCGRAW*TIM LET IT GO 5914 23 4790 1345114
145 SANTANA ULTIMATE SANTANA 5786 -14 6748 352409
146 PICKLER*KELLIE SMALL TOWN GIRL 5770 136 2440 734282
147 SIXX:A.M. HEROIN DIARIES SOUNDTRACK 5734 9 5244 174828
148 MEET THE BROWNS SOUNDTRACK 5695 999 35 5730
150 HIGH KINGS HIGH KINGS 5640 23 4602 13675
151 TURNER*JOSH EVERYTHING IS FINE 5621 23 4582 433191
152 DRAGONFORCE INHUMAN RAMPAGE 5566 43 3903 257334
154 BIRDMAN 5 STUNNA 5468 -20 6821 308890
157 PLAYRADIOPLAY! TEXAS 5345 999 11 5357
158 MGMT ORACULAR SPECTACULAR 5341 27 4195 39696
159 STRAIT*GEORGE 22 MORE HITS 5293 1 5248 443079
161 SKILLET COMATOSE 5245 40 3756 159703
163 CAMILA TODO CAMBIO 5231 -6 5556 274469
164 SCOTT*JILL REAL THING: WORDS & SOUNDS V3 5193 -8 5639 547863
166 TOMLIN*CHRIS SEE THE MORNING 5038 17 4297 201099
167 NEW FOUND GLORY HITS 5020 999 25 5046
168 FEIST REMINDER 4994 -2 5083 574066
169 VARIOUS SONGS 4 WORSHIP: COUNTRY 4973 16 4277 121201
170 ALDEAN*JASON RELENTLESS 4966 25 3982 499175
172 NASH*KATE MADE OF BRICKS 4843 4 4662 81615
173 CASCADA PERFECT DAY 4779 -15 5623 20003
174 HOLLY*BUDDY NOT FADE AWAY 4767 -11 5377 23700
175 BREAKING BENJAMIN PHOBIA 4678 6 4394 870661
176 BURY YOUR DEAD BURY YOUR DEAD 4653 999 80 4737
177 CYRUS*BILLY RAY HOME AT LAST 4642 26 3681 258005
179 MATCHES BAND IN HOPE 4547 999 46 4595
180 SPRINGSTEEN*BRUCE MAGIC 4546 6 4281 979290
181 PILLAR FOR THE LOVE OF THE GAME 4541 12 4037 14009
182 ADDISON ROAD ADDISON ROAD 4524 999 304 1389
183 GRANT*NATALIE RELENTLESS 4520 9 4160 15212
184 PLIES REAL TESTAMENT 4516 -15 5290 472729
185 ATREYU LEAD SAILS PAPER ANCHOR 4404 11 3966 203746
186 WINEHOUSE*AMY FRANK 4363 0 4356 145815
188 WICKS*CHUCK STARTING NOW 4312 10 3928 68731
193 DJ SKRIBBLE TOTAL DANCE 2008 4228 0 4209 59217
194 VARIOUS UPRIGHT GRAND & ALRIGHT 4223 -9 4622 19250
195 MICHELE*CHRISETTE I AM 4189 -10 4679 354058
196 WRIGHT*LIZZ ORCHARD 4154 -17 4990 22189
198 BOTTI*CHRIS ITALIA 4056 8 3744 308597
199 VARIOUS NOW PARTY HITS 4035 11 3637 153952
200 JUANES LA VIDA...ES UN RATICO 4009 6 3765 198591

!!! IMPORTANT! MUST READ!!! 3/29/08


Kidney failure takes deadly toll on blacks in Chicago

Experts focus on several overlapping factors including obesity and poverty

By Deborah L. Shelton

Tribune reporter

First in an occasional series about chronic diseases and their impact on urban communities.

Harvet Jones is 48, but he looks much older. Diabetes and high blood pressure have taken their toll.

When he walks, he leans his gaunt frame on a cane because his feet and legs swell and go numb, a complication of hypertension.

Jones' blood-sugar levels spike even though he has been injecting insulin for eight years to control it. A condition called diabetic retinopathy threatens to blind him.

Worst of all, his diabetes and hypertension steadily, relentlessly, mercilessly attacked his kidneys. He went on dialysis in February.

Jones has fallen victim to a quiet epidemic plaguing black Chicago. By the thousands, African-Americans are suffering kidney failure and facing the possibility of blindness, limb amputation, life on dialysis and premature death. Patients with end-stage kidney disease require dialysis or a transplant to survive.

In parts of the city's largely African-American South and West Sides, kidney failure rates are more than twice as high as the national average and three times higher than in the rest of the city, federal statistics show. Those differences are driven by staggeringly high rates of diabetes and hypertension—the top two causes of kidney failure—among Chicago's black residents.

"Hypertension and diabetes are killing us," said Donna Calvin, a Chicago nurse practitioner who specializes in prevention of kidney disease. "These diseases are devastating our community."

Recognizing that kidney failure has reached alarming levels, some individuals and groups are trying to turn those dismal statistics around. They are reaching out to African-Americans across the city with information about prevention, offering diabetes and hypertension screenings in churches, and intervening in various other ways.

Dr. Paul W. Crawford oversees a dialysis center near 95th Street and Western Avenue that is "bursting at the seams." To try to solve the problem at the source, the kidney specialist decided to open a prevention clinic in his large South Side practice.

"I'm treating the children of my patients for the same problems their parents had," Crawford said with exasperation. "And most of it is preventable."

• • •

Health experts think the high kidney failure rates in black neighborhoods are fueled by a combination of overlapping factors, including an obesity epidemic; high concentrations of poverty; and a lack of access to medical care, health insurance, affordable, safe places to exercise and supermarkets that sell inexpensive, healthy foods.

Those factors contribute to the high rates of hypertension and diabetes in the community. About 3,500 of every 100,000 black Chicagoans have been diagnosed with high blood pressure, compared with about 1,700 of every 100,000 whites. For diabetes, the rates are 1,700 per 100,000 African-Americans and 600 per 100,000 whites.

By sheer numbers, 180,000 African-Americans in Chicago have been diagnosed with either diabetes or hypertension, and about 62,000 black Chicagoans battle both, according to the Chicago Department of Public Health.

African-Americans are more prone than other groups to hypertension, though experts aren't sure why. It could be genetic; often hypertension runs in families. Diet could be a factor. Some researchers think another cause could be the stress of racism.

Experts say many African-Americans are unaware of how important it is to treat high blood pressure.

"We see so many people who haven't made the connection of how chronic hypertension affects their kidneys," said Courtney Nicholas, associate director of minority health programs for the American Kidney Fund.

The effects of these trends on black areas are clear.

In ZIP code 60620—which includes parts of Ashburn, Auburn Gresham, Beverly, Chatham, Greater Grand Crossing, Roseland and Washington Heights—390 people in every 100,000 suffer from end-stage kidney disease. In ZIP code 60624 on the West Side, it is 387 for every 100,000.

By comparison, the rate for Chicago is 124 cases per 100,000; for the nation, it is 150, according to the U.S. Renal Data System, a government database.

Though Latinos also are at higher risk of kidney failure, the problem is more acute among African-Americans. Nationally, 1 in 8 people who experience kidney failure are Latino, but 1 in 3 are black, Nicholas said. Chicago ZIP codes in the middle range for the disease "more often than not" have large Latino populations, she said.

In the city's black neighborhoods, dialysis centers are full. Whole families struggle medically, financially and emotionally. Significant numbers of people suffer serious, chronic illness during the prime of life, making them too sick to work and unable to move ahead economically.

Studies have reported that African-Americans develop kidney failure at an earlier age than whites, leaving them trapped in a cycle of illness and a poor quality of life during what should be their healthiest years. People die prematurely, leaving family members to grieve.

Diane Williams volunteers with the Chicago Association of Kidney Patients because she has experienced kidney failure up close. Her husband, Major League Baseball umpire Charlie Williams, faced a possible leg amputation and was undergoing dialysis when he died at 61 of complications of kidney failure in 2005. The group formed in 2003 on the Far South Side as a support group for African-Americans battling kidney disease.

"When you lose someone you love," Williams said, "there is always a hole in your soul."

Jones, diagnosed with diabetes 14 years ago, worries about what the future holds.

His brother Joseph McNeal, who has diabetes and is a year older, has been tethered to a dialysis machine for a year. Diabetic retinopathy robbed McNeal of his eyesight about 18 months ago. "It's scary to see what he's going through," said a downcast Jones, taking a break at his favorite neighborhood coffeehouse. "Especially when you have the same symptoms."

Weeks later, Jones was hospitalized for kidney failure and went on dialysis. Because of his worsening health problems, he moved from his Hyde Park home to live with another brother in Lombard.

Charles Baker, 57, was first diagnosed with high blood pressure when he was 16. He had a stroke in 1991, went on dialysis in 2001 and eventually got a kidney transplant.

His son, Jemil Floyd, who also has high blood pressure, started dialysis last April at age 17. Baker sobs at the thought of it. "I've been where he is," Baker said, his voice cracking.

• • •

A steady stream of people flowed last fall into the basement of Oakdale Covenant Church on South Vincennes Avenue to undergo a health screening organized by the American Kidney Fund.

Kidney disease had become too serious of a problem for the church to ignore, said Rev. D. Darrell Griffin, who said his own father died of complications of diabetes and kidney failure in 2005.

"This is something we hadn't addressed, and it's really alarming," Griffin said.

The screening was part of an intervention program by the fund, which aims to reduce high rates of kidney failure in minority communities by collaborating with public and private organizations. The group operates minority intervention programs in Chicago, Atlanta and Washington—cities with large African-American populations and high rates of kidney disease.

Samella Sutton, a pharmacist and member of the church's health ministry, led the congregants in an opening prayer: "Oh Lord, we pray for good health."

By noon, 61 members of the church, located in ZIP code 60620, had rolled up their sleeves to give blood samples, get their blood pressure levels taken and give urine specimens for testing.

After the screening, internist Dr. David Ellens led a question-and-answer session in the large basement.

"Let's prevent bad things from happening," he half-shouted into a microphone, listing the medical problems that could be staved off with good health practices. Stroke. Heart attack. Kidney disease. Kidney failure. Premature death.

Heads nodded.

"Thank you, Lord, for giving us this opportunity to talk to people about their health and well-being," Ellens said solemnly in a closing prayer. "We pray it is information they will use."

Saturday, March 29, 2008


Dwight Howard faces paternity suit
Tim Povtak | Sentinel Staff Writer March 29, 2008

A paternity suit was filed Friday against Orlando Magic center Dwight Howard in Orance County Circuit Court, asking to establish his fatherhood officially and determine child support and other parental responsibilities. The suit was filed by attorneys for Royce Lyndsay Reed, a Central Florida woman whom he already has said gave birth to his son, Braylon Joshua Robert Howard, on Nov. 18, 2007.

When asked about the suit before the game Friday, Howard declined any comment.

According to the suit, Reed is requesting the court award "child support determined by Florida's Child Support Guidelines." Those guidelines normally take into account several factors, including parental income, the child's medical needs and child care.

"Petitioner [Reed] anticipates that an upward adjustment . . . will be required pursuant to a number of reasons. . . . The petitioner also is entitled to good-fortune support for the child," according to the suit.

You know what "good-fortune support" is right? An amount high enough to catagorize it as "BEEF..."

Damn, and Dwight's a good guy too...